

Kimono is the simplest yet the most beautiful dress code in Japan’s history. The word Kimono itself means something to wear. “Ki” means (to wear) and “Mono” means (something). This dress was designed to avoid the dominance of western-style clothes. Kimono is a robe dress with wide sleeves. A large amount of fabric in various materials, designs and colours are used To make a Kimono. The Kimono’s fabrics are variable in different seasons.

with having a closer look at the history of Kimono, on the contrary of what we think, Japan was not the first country that introduced Kimono to the Asia, it was China. In Muromachi period (1392-1568) , Kimono was used for both men and women as a slack suit in China. Japanese Samurais and warriors were required to wear ceremonial dress in palace. It was an uncomfortable dress code, so they replaced it with Kimono.

In the middle of the Edo period ( 1600-1868) Kimono was designed for everyday use in public. The women Kimono was more decorative and feminine and men kimono was more ceremonial. Due to Japanese culture which is in the opposite of western culture, expensive clothes and Jewellery was not common between people but Japanese were attracted in Kimonos with various materials, designs and colours. The wide and long Kimono fabrics was like a canvas for artists and they encouraged to illustrate on them. Wealthy people were attracted to Kimonos and it turned to a source of income for artists.

Kimono was formed as a comfortable dress for Japanese and step by step with some changes it turned to everyday and even formal dress in eighteenth century. Kimonos are different in designs, colours, fabrics and the amount of fabrics used for it.

In today’s world, Kimono is not common for everyday use. However there are several schools in Japan that are teaching how to wear Kimono in different ways and also illustration on Kimono.

today, there is a range of kimonos in different colours and fabrics to wear for special events.For example, sleeve swing Kimono is common for unmarried young women and it made from a huge amount of fabrics. There is another type of Kimono called Houmongi, which is common for brides who are in their second marriage ceremony. It often has a certain pattern called Eba and its colour is an specific colour which is different from others. The other Kimono is made for brides who are in their first marriage ceremony. It is called Uchikake and its known as the most formal Kimono in Japanese wedding ceremony. The bride is not able to wear and walk with this super long maxi Kimono by herself.

With looking at men Kimonos, we can find many differences such as colours, designs and fabrics between women Kimonos and men Kimonos. Men Kimonos are made with dark and cold colours such as black, gray, dark blue and brown and they have a range of designs such as polkadots, striped, bird’s eyes. Men’s formal evening Kimono is called Monsuke and they are matching with dark colour sandals and jewellery to look a little more formal. The modern Kimono is called Mofuku and it is made of the darkest colours because it is common for funeral.

Finally, we are looking at types of the wearing styles and how to prepare Kimonos. They are generally going from left to right side of the body. The only situation when it comes from right side of the body to left side is when somebody is dead.They usually tie with a thin silk cord around the body.A thin undergarment which is called Shitagi needs to be worn with Kimono, the short undergarment is for men and the long one is for women. Kimonos are not ready to wear when we buy them, because they are super long and unwearable.

Today, there are several experienced designers in Japan that are continuing to design Kimonos as a symbol of their country at government expense. There are not many people in Japan who own a Kimono, people are usually renting Kimonos for special occasions. The reason for that is Kimonos are extremely expensive, sometimes they cost more than a unique art work. For example, many Kimonos were sold for one hundred thousand dollars in recent years.
