The Firsts: Halima Aden

The Firsts: Halima Aden

Halima Aden, 19, is the first Muslim model to be seen walking runways and be the cover of different fashion magazines. 

Originally she is from Somali but was born in a Kenyan refugee camp. She moved to US with her family at the age of 6 and was raised in Minnesota. 

She participated as the first contestant with Hijab in Miss Minnesota 2016. 

After that she caught the attention of so many in the fashion world and showed everyone everything is possible.


In an interview with Glamour magazine she mentioned that before entering the industry she didn’t know much about fashion world and didn’t know many brands. 

"But honestly, I never knew designers before this and now I see that what they do is really art," she continued. "Some of the stuff that they make isn’t every day wear but you appreciate it – it’s kind of like when you go to a museum or a gallery, it’s so different from our regular pictures at home but still it’s beautiful." – Halima Aden – Glamour magazine 

She also mentioned that she never thought about becoming a model before because she hadn’t seen anyone wearing hijab walking runways or on magazine covers.


You can see some of Halima Aden’s Instagram posts below:

"Never thought I would see the day that a woman dressed like me would grace the cover of a fashion magazine…"

Mario Sorrenti's photograph of Halima.

Halima walking Maxmara fashion show.

Miss Minnesota 2016

Halima for Harper Bazaar


