Why Pajamas Are The Key To Health And Happiness

Many of us are tired by the end of the day — way too tired to care what clothes we choose to wear to bed. If we’re lucky, we’ve managed to brush our teeth and wash off our makeup before we pass out on the pillow. But thinking about pajamas? Not so much.

Your bed is simply for sleeping and for resting. It’s not a place for eating dinner or sorting the day’s mail or catching up on “Game of Thrones”. Just because its uses should be limited doesn’t mean the bed isn’t important. And that’s exactly why you might want to think about what you slip on before you slip in.

Feeling good on the inside sometimes comes from looking good on the outside. Wearing your old college sweatshirt to bed, your boyfriend’s favorite T-shirt or yesterday’s clothes doesn’t necessarily do much for your self-esteem. 


Behavioral modification is powerful stuff. Good habits beget better habits, and confidence breeds confidence. The same holds true in the bedroom. Wearing something soft and comfortable can also be flattering . So even if you’re upset about those extra snacks you ate today, put all that aside. If you’re going to go to the trouble of changing into sleep clothes anyway, is it really too much trouble to grab this cute outfit instead of that old and tattered one? No, it’s not. It’s the same amount of effort, for a lot more reward.

I challenge you to find something that you feel good in to wear to bed. I bet you’ll feel better and sleep better (and we all need that). Treat yourself to some nice, new P.J.s. You’ll be glad you did.
